Essay on Life in English

Essay on Life in English

Essay on Life in English

What is life?

Life is a beautiful gift from God. Life means being in the world. Life is the only aspect that distinguishes living beings from non-living things. Although life is a blessing from God, not everyone understands its importance.

Although some people prefer to live their lives freely, many do not have this privilege and live their lives as slaves. It is always our choice how we live our lives.

However, everyone needs to understand the importance of life and live it happily without any regrets. Life must be purposeful. Otherwise, no one will be able to survive.

Importance of life:

Many of us become depressed when we experience failures or rejections in life. We begin to think that our lives are doomed and that no one can be good to us. This is not true. We must look at the positive side of failures and rejections.

Every failure teaches us an important lesson and strengthens us to fight in difficult times. That is why failures are so important in our lives, and one cannot succeed without facing failures in one's life.

Another thing we misunderstand about life is pain and sadness. When we are in pain, we think that life is about pain, and we cannot be happy.

It’s wrong. Like happiness, pain is equally important in life because there is no meaning to happiness without pain. If there is always joy and happiness in our life, life will become too slow to live, and we will not understand its importance.

We all want to achieve as much as we can before we die because there is no certainty of life. To earn everything, we get so involved in work that we forget to spend time with ourselves and our loved ones.

But it is a matter of life. In the race to get everything before we die, we lose the special moment we could have made with our loved ones. To live a meaningful life, it is necessary to give equal importance to relationships and work because life is too short to be a workaholic.

As human beings, we always want things to go according to our plan, and when something doesn't go the way we want it to, we start to regret it. But we need to understand that sadly, we are wasting the golden moments of our lives in pain and sorrow. We should be happy in every situation and accept whatever life puts on us because it is the best way to enjoy life and learn something new at every stage of life.

How to live a purposeful life?

Once we understand the importance of life, we must focus on living a purposeful life because it is a blessing from God. Life without meaning is nothing but living without any desire or happiness. Here are some things we all start to do to live a meaningful life:

  1. Have a positive outlook on life. Always be optimistic about life, and you will begin to enjoy every aspect of life.
  2. Choose a hobby or passion in life as it will help you shape your career and also boost your confidence.
  3. Always have a purpose/desire in life. Life without any purpose is meaningless. When you have an aim in life, you focus on achieving it and purposefully living your life.
  4. Exercise and meditate. Meditation helps you to examine your feelings and thoughts and provide inner peace. It keeps you healthy and strengthens you to deal with difficult situations.
  5. Learn from your failures and mistakes. Don't give up after failing. Instead, try not to make these mistakes and try to get them back and the result will be in your favour.
  6. Spend time with your loved ones. Don't live with regret but try to make the best of every moment.
  7. Be kind and helpful to other people and animals. Help whenever you can because it will make you a good person.


Life is too short to waste or regret. Therefore, one should always have a positive attitude towards life and try to live a meaningful life. Be kind and happy to enjoy life. Hopefully, the meaning of life will be easier to understand.

Essay on Life in English
Essay on Life in English

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