Essay on Dowry System in English

Essay on Dowry System in English

Essay on Dowry System in English

Dowry usually means money or property that in some societies, a wife or her family has to pay to her husband or vice versa when they get married.

In our society, dowry consists of household items that a wife or her family gives to her husband to keep a home for both of them.

The idea of ​​dowry was a positive one. It was a sign of politeness and kindness in the form of some things for which we need to build a new home.

But, in practice, the idea was exaggerated and enforced as a prerequisite.

The wife and her family try to arrange as much dowry as possible in the form of daily necessities, clothing and gold ornaments.

And the husband or his family expects to offer as much of the dowry as possible. This thing creates greed in a good and pious person.

It is not bad if both the parties combine some necessities of life for the couple as a sign of sympathy but the necessary and unbearable expenses and demands are certainly painful.

This is what set a bad example for the whole society. Therefore, a positive thing reflects a negative effect.

Relatives and friends can play a role at their convenience. The basic idea is not to put the burden of debt or unnecessary financial crisis on anyone.

Such a thing would set a good example for the average family and the poor. The prevailing practice of dowry and no doubt has set a bad example for society.

It has created a lot of problems for the financially burdened lower class.

There is no doubt that individuals have great responsibilities in this regard but the role of the government cannot be denied.

The government should formulate a social policy to deal with this problem. It should limit the minimum expenses of the dowry or it should completely ban this annoying practice.

However, there should be a unified and uniform procedure for the whole society so that the poor can easily and without any stigma arrange marriages of daughters.

It is common sense that asking a woman or her family for luxuries is the worst aspect of human nature.

Essay on Dowry System in English
Essay on Dowry System in English

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