An ideal student essay in English

An ideal student essay in English

An ideal student essay in English

They can make their country great and strong. They study in a good way and with heart; they can prove to be very good for their country.

Every student should become an ideal student.

An ideal student likes to get more knowledge. He obeys his teachers. He trusts them. He is regular and punctual. He works hard to understand things.

An ideal student also participates in sports. He works well in every field to refine his personality.

An ideal student reads only good and useful books. He does not read bad and dirty material. He reads his textbooks well. Besides, he also reads some general books to increase his knowledge.

He never behaves like a bookworm. He knows everything. He knows what is going on around him. He also reads good newspapers every day.

An ideal student also knows the importance of discipline. He never joins strikes. He stays away from those who fight. He never wastes his parent’s earned money uselessly.

All teachers like him very much. All teachers are proud of an ideal student. An ideal student has an open mind. His mind is very wide.

He respects all religions. He is God-fearing. He is a good man. He does not lie. An ideal student is a true patriot. He loves his country.

He lives his life like a good citizen. He loves his neighbours. He helps the poor and needy. He obeys all the laws.

In short, it has all kinds of characteristics.

An ideal student essay in English
An ideal student essay in English

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