An ideal citizen essay in English

An ideal citizen essay in English

An ideal citizen essay in English

Citizens of any nation are its greatest wealth. Good citizens can make any nation great and strong. An ideal citizen does nothing against his country.

He is proud of his nation. An ideal citizen behaves responsibly in every sphere of life. He is also aware of his rights and duties.

According to him, the first task is duty. He knows that it is impossible to enjoy one's rights without performing one's duties with sincerity. He never forgets his duties on behalf of society.

 He never violates the rights of others. He has all the qualities of a good neighbour. He never does anything that hurts others.

An ideal citizen obeys the law. He obeys all the laws of the state. He pays all the taxes that are due to him. He knows that all public welfare schemes are carried out through taxes.

His personality shows his nation. An ideal teacher is not narrow-minded. He is superior in caste and creed.

He believes in all beliefs. He works for national unity. Patriotism is the highest religion for him. An ideal citizen is very awake. They are increasingly involved in national affairs. He keeps his eyes and ears open.

He knows everything that happens around him. He does not tolerate any hostile activity against the country. He lives a clean and honest life. He fights for truth and justice.

Every individual has to live as an ideal citizen. That way we can make our world a paradise to live in.

A good citizen loves not only his country but also other nations. Loving our own country does not mean that we should destroy other nations.

An ideal citizen essay in English
An ideal citizen essay in English

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