A good citizen essay in English

A good citizen essay in English

A good citizen essay in English

We live in Pakistan. We are Pakistanis. We are citizens of Pakistan. A good citizen gets an education and works for the betterment of the country.

He works hard and always speaks the truth. He fulfils all his responsibilities.

A good citizen does not waste resources like water, electricity, gas and wealth. A good citizen is always ready to help others. He spends his extra time, money and effort on people in need.

A good citizen does more to fulfil his duties to keep society active now and in the future.

A good citizen is active in his circle of friends. He helps to make his town a better place by keeping it clean.

A good citizen is ready to sacrifice his life for the protection of his motherland. He should love his nation and be a nationalist. He must have strong and deep faith in his motherland. He must obey the laws of the land. But it must also take into mind the welfare of the state, the benefit of society and the long-term interests of the nation.

A good citizen should respect the cultural heritage of his country. He should respect the heroes, prophets, and saints of his country. He should respect the race to which he belongs. He should always keep in mind the future of his country. He must raise the standard of living of his country by working honestly and integrity.

Another attribute of a good citizen is loyalty to his country. A person who knows his rights and duties in society is a good citizen.

We must adopt the qualities of a good citizen.

A good citizen essay in English
A good citizen essay in English

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