20 lines essay on a farmer in English

20 lines essay on a farmer in English

20 lines essay on a farmer in English

  1. A farmer lives in a village.
  2. He grows crops and keeps animals.
  3. He grows every crop.
  4. He works very hard.
  5. He gets up early in the morning and starts working on the crops.
  6. He works all day and returns home in the evening.
  7. A farmer seeds crops, water the crops and harvests them to earn money.
  8. He takes care of his crops by spraying them to protect them from diseases.
  9. They water their fields regularly.
  10. The role of the farmer is very important in the economy of our country.
  11. It provides food for the entire population.
  12. Due to its cultivation, the local population gets fresh vegetables and fruits throughout the year.
  13. Despite his useful contribution, the farmer is not satisfied with the results of his efforts.
  14. He often complains of low profits and overwork.
  15. Sugar mills do not pay the price of sugarcane on time.
  16. Commission agents exploit it.
  17. In this way, he is deprived of the due reward for his hard work and investment.
  18. For a farmer, his lands mean everything.
  19. They provide us with all the food we eat.
  20. We must be thankful to the farmers.

20 lines essay on a farmer in English
20 lines essay on a farmer in English

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