Essay Writing on the Importance of cleanliness Islam in English

Cleanliness is also very important in our beloved religion "Islam".

Islam emphasizes the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an: "There is no doubt that Allah loves those who repent and are pure." (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 222)

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "Purity is half of faith."

Cleanliness and purity are important parts of our faith; without them, none of our worship can be accepted.

Allah Almighty has also ordered cleanliness and purity in many places in the Holy Quran. As Muslims, we have been instructed to keep our clothes, place, environment and soul pure along with our body.

Almost every religion in the world emphasizes the importance of cleanliness. Everyone likes a clean person while everyone tries to stay away from a dirty person. Cleanliness does not require new or expensive clothes, but only cleanliness.

Cleanliness also protects a person from many diseases. Bathing should be done daily to clean the body, if the body is not kept clean, the pores are closed, which causes various diseases.

Special attention is paid to cleaning the houses before the arrival of guests or before Eid (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha) and holy days and nights.

Because it is only through a good house and a good environment that a person makes himself known and Allah is also pleased with that.

The importance of cleanliness is important for the world along with religion. The importance of cleanliness can also be estimated from the fact that man is among the best of all creations of Allah.

We should keep our bodies and clothes as well as our house, street, neighbourhood and surroundings clean. We should wash our hands thoroughly before eating.

In cleaning the body, washing hands, mouth, nose, face, and both hands up to the elbows and feet are mandatory.

Cleanliness has been declared as half in Islam, besides cleaning the body, cleaning clothes is also very important and food and drink should also be clean.

By keeping clean, a person always stays healthy, a clean person is respected and valued everywhere and on the contrary, everyone stays away from a dirty person and feels hatred.

So, we all should always wear clean clothes according to our status and always keep our bodies clean.

There is nothing better than cleanliness in this world, and cleanliness is liked by Allah Almighty because "cleanliness is half of faith."

Essay Writing on the Importance of cleanliness Islam in English
Essay Writing on the Importance of cleanliness Islam in English