20 Lines essay on my aim in life in English

20 Lines essay on my aim in life in English

20 Lines essay on my aim in life in English

Essay on my aim in life in English (300 Words)

Every human being has some aim in his life. It is the desire and struggle to achieve this purpose that creates regularity in life.

Man can enjoy the happiness of life only when he has a goal in life. As he gets closer to his goal, he gets the joy and happiness of success.

The success of any goal depends on how much passion a person has to achieve it. If there is true passion then difficult and impossible things become possible and if the passion is weak then failure often occurs. There can be many purposes.

 The purpose of one's life is only to accumulate and earn wealth; the purpose of one's life is to become a good player and make a name for oneself in sports, the purpose of some people is to acquire knowledge.

Someone's goal is to take up the medical profession. Some people like the life of tourism. As far as the purpose of my life is concerned, I have come to the conclusion that by gaining wealth, a person gets less happiness and more worries. I don't like tourism and dangerous life.

I have no natural inclination towards poetry, literature and art. I run away from the life of war and strife. I enjoy serving other human beings from the beginning.

Apparently there is only one way for me to achieve this goal. Teacher!

The teacher, in fact, is the architect of the nation.

The profession of teacher is honorable and respectable. The future of the nation depends on the education and training of the children because they will become the leaders of the country when they are young and will take over the government.

20 Lines essay on my aim in life in English
20 Lines essay on my aim in life in English

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