Essay Writing on Cow in English

Essay Writing on Cow in English

Essay Writing on Cow in English

The cow is a domestic animal. It is a four-footed animal. It has two horns and a long tail.

Cows are found in every part of the world. Her size, shape and colour differ from one country to another.

Cow gives us milk. Cow’s milk is very nutritious. It makes us strong and healthy.

From the milk, various products like butter, cheese, ghee, curd etc. are got.

Cows hide is used to make shoes and belts. Cow dung is used as manure for plants and fields.

The dried cow dung is used as fuel in villages.

The cow is a very useful domestic animal. It eats green grass. It helps farmers as well as the common man.

Essay Writing on Cow in English
Essay Writing on Cow in English 

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