Noise Pollution Essay in English

Noise Pollution Essay in English

Noise Pollution Essay in English

Implausible, unpleasant loud and random sounds that do not please the ears fall into the category of noise pollution.

Noise pollution is caused by the overuse of vehicles, heavy machinery and loud music.


According to experts, noise pollution is increasing rapidly around the world. Adults, children, young and old are all facing this dangerous disease.

Problems such as hearing and stress due to noise pollution are increasing rapidly in society. It affects the human brain and hearing.

The noise is the most disturbing traffic noise and this noise is causing a huge increase in strokes and heart diseases. According to the Institute of Health, every third person in European countries suffers from various health problems due to traffic noise.

According to a study, noise increases the risk of heart disease by up to 50%. Noise pollution is also contributing to obesity and sleep problems, according to recent research. If people experience noise during sleep, it increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.

People who live in noise suffer from other diseases as well as psychological problems. Noise causes irritability in human beings which is a major cause of various mental illnesses.

According to Tedros Adhanom, director of the World Health Organization, "the noise on the planet has increased human anger and anxiety and given rise to new diseases, including several hearts and blood diseases."

Not only humans but also animals are more affected by noise pollution than humans. Since their survival depends on sound, animals have a higher hearing. And noise greatly affects their ability to hear.

It becomes difficult for them to avoid their predators. They are unable to understand the signals given by other animals.

We should not make too much noise near residential areas.

Noise Pollution Essay in English
Noise Pollution Essay in English

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